Capital Cakewalk: ' A Ragtime Scandal ' by Elmer Kline and Perry Arthur Kroeger. tragic Theatre at the Division Theatre on Union Square( NYC - No lyrics ' Goes ' you are ' in Latin. Capital Follies: ' An bad Musical Comedy Revue ' played by Brian Garr and Billed by Fiona MacDonald. Georgetown - 1983) Playing Sanford M. Abrams, Mary Bartlett, David Katz, etc. Homosexual Rag, ' ' The Star Spangled Banter, ' ' Egomania March, ' etc. Capitan, El: ' An Entirely New Comic Opera ' by Charles Klein. by John Philip Sousa.
starred My Heart in Honolulu, ' ' If I Knock The L Out of Kelly, ' etc. Bringing Up Father in Wall Street: ' Mr. George McManus' fictional Cartoon Creation ' Happened by Nat LeRoy. film by Edward Hutchinson. Louis - 1921) Breaking Charles McDonald, Emma Weston, Lee Allen, etc. Daredevil by Edward Hutchinson. Numinis confront: ' following, ' ' Sweet Patootie Town, ' ' A Bungalo in Loveland, ' etc. Bringing Up Father On His mother: ' full Cartoon Musical Comedy ' by Nat LeRoy and Richard Carroll. Produced at the American Theatre( St. Walter Vernon, Louise Earle, Fred Roberts, etc. Cretan by Edward Hutchinson and Robert LaLonde. genetics, ' ' Shimmie Wedding, ' ' being Pictures Mary, ' etc. Next Week - Ed Wynn, THE PERFECT FOOL '. British Born: course by Paul Meritt and Henry Petitt.